Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Longicorn ID: Tool for Diagnosing Cerambycoid Families, Subfamilies, and Tribes (edition 2)

Longicorn ID: Tool for Diagnosing Cerambycoid Families, Subfamilies, and Tribes (edition 2)
ITP Collaborators:
·         University of New Mexico
·         Natural Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution
·         Systematic Entomology Lab (SEL), USDA
Authors: Eugenio H. Nearns, Nathan P. Lord, Steven W. Lingafelter, Antonio Santos-Silva, & Kelly B. Miller
Funding Support: Section 10201 of the 2008 Farm Bill

USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service’s Identification Technology Program (ITP) is pleased to announce the release of edition 2 of Longicorn ID. Edition 2 adds a Lucid key and fact sheets for the 82 tribes of the subfamily Lamiinae (Cerambycidae) to Longicorn ID. The update also adds dorsal habitus photographs for 568 exemplar specimens representing the subfamily. Of these new images, 251 represent holotype specimens, 30 represent syntype specimens, and 4 represent lectotype specimens.
Cerambycoid beetles include four families and are considered among the most serious wood-boring pest species in the world. Due to the large size of this group, the development of Longicorn ID has been broken into phases. When complete, Longicorn ID will provide identification support to the four families, 14 subfamilies, and 250 tribes of Cerambycoid beetles. Edition 3 of Longicorn ID, due out in early 2015, will include keys and fact sheets for the tribes of the subfamilies Lepturinae and Cerambycinae.
Attached to this email is an announcement containing an overview of ITP's new release for PPQ and its partners. Please feel free to forward this email and/or the attachment to your colleagues.
·         Longicorn ID can be accessed at: http://cerambycids.com/longicornid/
·         You also might be interested in viewing ITP’s A Resource for Wood Boring Beetles of the World portal
·         Visit idtools.org to view other ITP tools
·         Visit ITP Android Lucid Mobile Apps to view ITP’s recently released Lucid Mobile apps


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