Asian Longhorned Beetle Rediscovered Outside of Toronto
Asian long-horned beetle discovered in Mississauga
Asian long-horned beetle found in industrial park five years after the last invasion was eradicated in GTA.
The Asian long-horned beetle, target of a determined effort at
eradication, was declared expunged from Toronto and Vaughan but has
re-emerged in Mississauga.
The troublesome Asian
long-horned beetle has re-emerged, this time from trees in Mississauga,
leaving its perfectly round exit holes and fears of another invasion.
The Canadian Food
Inspection Agency (CFIA) said inspectors confirmed the pest’s presence
northeast of Pearson airport in late September, after a person found one
of the distinctive beetles on his car in August.
Twenty trees have
since been removed and two have been confirmed infested, according to
the CFIA. A 2.4-kilometre swath of land near the American Drive Business
Park, an industrial park at highways 427 and 409, is being surveyed.
The Mississauga tree
canopy could face disaster. According to a 2011 technical report
prepared by the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, the
worst-case scenario would be costly: 56 per cent of Mississauga’s tree
population is susceptible to the beetle, amounting to a potential loss
of $702 million.
That’s why the
invasive species is taken so seriously, said Gavin Longmuir,
Mississauga’s urban forestry manager and co-author of the report, who
was contacted by the CFIA in September.
“You can imagine if
that insect got out into the larger open forest north of the city or
west or east and how that would have a huge impact.”
Actual damage would
likely be less severe, the report states. The beetle attacks hardwood
species and is especially fond of maple, but will settle for elm, birch,
poplar and mountain ash trees, among others.
Larvae burrow in the
trees and leave dime-size holes when they emerge as adults with
blue-black and white-spotted bodies three centimetres long. The larvae
feed on the green inner bark and those exit holes leave the tree structurally unsound and unhealthy. An affected tree can be dead within a few years.
The exact scope of the infestation is yet to be determined, Longmuir said.
In April, the federal Agriculture department declared the pest eradicated from Canada. It was last detected in late 2007, and first noticed near the Vaughan-Toronto border in 2003.
Nearly 30,000 trees
were removed from affected areas in the GTA. In some cases, all
susceptible trees within a 400-metre radius of an infected tree were
chopped down.
But this invasion is
likely new and not a continuation of the old one, said Gregory Wolff,
the CFIA’s chief plant health officer.
A property manager
with Bentall Kennedy, which runs the American Drive Business Park, said
one maple tree was cut down on site but was not aware of a larger
problem. It was not immediately known how the beetles were imported.
The beetle is native
to East Asia and has no natural predators in Canada. It can fly only
short distances and typically moves with the transport of cut wood, fire
wood and wood packaging materials. The CFIA is asking the public not to
move firewood.
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