Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Emerald Ash Borer E-learning Site from Purdue

Purdue University Entomologist Cliff Sadof, and Forest Pest Outreach Coordinator Annemarie Nagle have just launched a new Emerald Ash Borer e-learning course for green industry professionals. The training details the suite of available EAB management tools, diagnostic principles, treatment cost analysis, and look-alike damage. Participants can log out and resume the course as needed. A 50 question interactive test follows the training, and a printable certificate of completion can be used to apply for CEUs at the end. Although there is some Indiana-specific information, 95% of this will be extremely helpful to train any new workers hired this season anywhere in the U.S. to help protect ash trees from EAB. The course is accessible from the Self Study section of www.eabindiana.info website, or directly from this link: http://extension.entm.purdue.edu/eab/index.php?page=industries/selfstudy


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