Leave Hungry Pests Behind for Invasive Plant Pest and Disease Awareness Month
USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) has declared April as Invasive Plant Pest and Disease Awareness Month. Throughout the month, APHIS will post a series of blog entries and also share invasive plant pest and disease information through our twitter feed. APHIS and its federal and state partners are fighting to protect our communities, our public lands, and our agricultural resources from invasive species. But we can’t do it alone. Join the fight by visiting www.HungryPests.com.
April flowers and fresh spring foliage beckon us outside to enjoy a picnic, hike, or gardening project. But we’re not the only ones being beckoned. Invasive pests are also coming out. They’re hungry, and your state is on their menu.
That’s why USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) has dedicated April as Invasive Plant Pest and Disease Awareness Month, when what’s at risk is so vibrant—even as certain invasive pests begin to emerge with the blossoms. Some of the pests we’re targeting include the giant African snail, Mediterranean fruit fly, and sudden oak death disease.
People are the biggest influence in preventing these hitchhikers from coming to new areas. This month, we’re asking Americans to leave hungry pests behind. For example, if you’re going camping, you don’t want to give invasive pests a free ride in your firewood to an uninfested forest. Just buy your firewood where you burn it. If you garden, protect all your hard work from invasive pests by getting your plants from a reputable source and making sure nothing growing in your garden is invasive. Also, avoid bringing or mailing fresh fruits, vegetables, or plants into your state or another state unless agricultural inspectors have cleared them beforehand.

Hopefully this month you’ll see or hear the TV and radio public service announcements, or access them on www.HungryPests.com. You might also see Deputy Under Secretary Rebecca Blue, USDA’s spokesperson on this issue, on a TV or radio interview the morning of Tuesday, April 3. And look out for more APHIS blog posts here on invasive pests all month, as well as tweets.
APHIS and its federal and state partners are dedicated to preventing the entry, establishment, and spread of invasive pests. But they can’t do it alone. Please join the fight, and start by visiting www.HungryPests.com.
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