Monday, January 05, 2009

Wood debris from ice storms and wind poses potential threat

originally published on 23 December 2008, 14:25 by Insciences

WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. - Downed trees and tree limbs from ice and wind storms have the potential to spread multiple invasive species and wood diseases if moved.
"We recognize that people want the mess cleaned up, but it's important that proper procedures are followed to prevent the spread of invasive species like emerald ash borer, gypsy moth, Asian long-horned beetle and others," said Jodie Ellis, PurdueUniversity entomologist. "Often, in times of chaos or in situations where a large amount of debris has to be dealt with, people are more likely to unsuspectingly spread invasive species."
Twenty Indiana counties are under quarantine for emerald ash borer, an invasive pest that devastates ash trees. In those counties, no ash debris or any type of hardwood firewood can be moved across county lines. Indiana is also under a federal quarantine, meaning these same products cannot leave the state. Violations can result in hefty fines.
"If debris is near a wooded area and is out of the way, you may choose to let it lay," Ellis said. "If the debris does need to be cleaned up, it can be stacked and burned on your own property, or you can hire a certified tree care company to come and remove the debris.
"If you do hire a tree care company and you're in a quarantined area, it's important to make sure that the business you hire is following quarantines. The best way to do this is by asking how and where they will dispose of the wood debris."

Writer: Jennifer Stewart, (765) 494-6682,
Contact: Jodie Ellis, (765) 494-0822,
Source: Purdue University


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